City Park
The Covington city park provides services for its residents in the City of Covington. The mission of the park is to provide memorable experiences and safe recreational experiences in the park that enrich our community.
Park pavilions and gazebos are available for the use of the general public. They are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
1. Park Curfew Imposed
2. Notice of Hours of Operation
3. Operation Of Vehicle in The City Parks
4. Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages
5. Food Trucks
6. Private Events
7. City Events
8. Rules and Regulations
The aforementioned prohibitions shall not apply to concession operators whose business requires their presence in the park during hours other than the established hours of operation.
The Public works department shall have painted and posted at each entrance to the park a sign clearly designating the hours of operation for the park. Operational open hours -
Dawn to Dusk.
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any vehicle propelled by a motor through or upon park property other than on officially designated roadways. In addition, it shall be unlawful for any person to park any motor propelled vehicle on park property, except in areas officially designated for parking.
4. Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages
It shall be unlawful for any person to bring any intoxicating beverage into any city park or to have any intoxicating beverage in his possession while in a city park.
5. Food Trucks
Concession operators, food trucks whose business requires their presence in the park shall be required to provide required documentation to the city, pay permit fee, observe and respect park policy rules. They will be required to park in the designated parking allowed for vending purposes.
The Covington City Park is a city maintained public park for the use of local residents and will not be available to one exclusive venue (community markets, flea markets, any vendor venue) nor any individual that precludes public access nor for renumeration purposes, with the exception of food trucks per food truck ordinance and community events without vendors, nor by anyone individual or business for its private use.
7. City Events
Any event requiring permits from the city, county, state, Insurance or Liability Waivers become the responsibility of the city and falls under The City of Covington, thus becoming a city sponsored event. The City of Covington shall be responsible for obtaining all required paperwork and permits to insure and provide an enjoyable venue for the public.
The city council shall, from time to time, promulgate rules and regulations applicable to the use and operation of the city-owned parks and the violation of such rules and regulations shall be unlawful.